Emergency Reporting System Requirements
Browser Support Policy
Browsers are very frequently exploited by attackers that are trying to gain access to your vital data. To keep your confidential data safe, we require up-to-date browsers when accessing Emergency Reporting’s SaaS application and mobile devices. As new versions of browsers are released, Emergency Reporting removes support for older versions. For specific details about support for different types of browsers, review the following information.
As a customer of Emergency Reporting, you must remain on a supported environment – including applications and platforms – to receive technical support. If a browser or device is no longer being supported by the manufacturer, you may be required to upgrade to a currently supported browser, cell phone, tablet or operating system to continue receiving technical support services.
For other questions about our browser support policy, contact [email protected]
Microsoft® Internet Explorer®
Emergency Reporting currently supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11 upon request.
Microsoft Edge™
Emergency Reporting only supports the current major production release of Microsoft Edge™. Emergency Reporting will be unable to provide support for an older version of the browser 90 days after Microsoft® releases a new version.
- Please visit the Microsoft Browser Support Lifecycle Policy FAQ here: https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle
- Information on the latest Microsoft Edge Browser is here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/hub/4337664/microsoft-edge-help?ocid=MSCOM-EdgeHelp
Google Chrome™
Emergency reporting only supports the current major production release of Google Chrome.
- If Chrome™ has automatic updates enabled, the browser should update on its own.
- Major updates release approximately every 12 weeks. If Chrome™ is older than the current version major version, Emergency Reporting may not be able to provide support.
- Please visit the Google Chrome FAQ for a description of the Chrome support policy: https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/188447?hl=en
Apple® Safari®
Emergency Reporting only supports the most current major production release and one prior release.
- Safari®only has major upgrades during the fall currently.
- Approximately 90 days after a new version releases, Emergency Reporting may no longer be able to provide support. However, this requires that the new Safari®version is available on both macOS® and iOS®
- Please visit the Apple Safari support page for details about the browser: https://support.apple.com/safari
Mozilla® Firefox®
Emergency reporting only supports the current major production version, or greater, of Mozilla Firefox.
- Firefox®should update itself automatically. If Firefox® is two versions older than the current stable version, Emergency Reporting may require an update to the browser in order to provide support.
- Please visit the Mozilla FAQ for a description of the Firefox support policy: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/
General Browser Support Policies
Emergency Reporting Software will support new browser releases in accordance with the following schedule and distribution methods:
- For new major releases of browsers, Emergency Reporting will provide support immediately upon general availability of the browser.
- A Major Release is defined as the number prior to the first “dot”. As an example: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.5 is not a major release.
- Any issues encountered that will require Emergency Reporting software fixes, will be fixed and provided via the established deployment process for the specific fix.
- Emergency Reporting will stop supporting a browser version immediately upon the vendor de-supporting that browser.
- For new Emergency Reporting Software product releases:
- For mobile device applications (“Apps”) Emergency Reporting will verify the latest version of each of the four major browsers and one back (n-1) at the time that Emergency Reporting Apps are released, as long as the n-1 browser is supported by the vendor.
- Emergency Reporting will verify the latest version of each of the four major browsers prior to the time that the Emergency software is deployed to production.
- Support is provided on platforms that support that browser.
Device Support Policies
- For mobile device operating systems, Emergency Reporting supports the most recent browser and most recent operating system for that device.
- If the device is no longer supported by the manufacturer, Emergency Reporting may not be able to provide you with technical support for our software running on that device.
Device Operating System |
Browser |
Chrome | Firefox | Microsoft Browser | Safari | |
Android | Supported | Not Supported | N/A | N/A |
iOS | Not Supported | Not Supported | N/A | Supported |
Mac OS X | Supported | Supported | N/A | Supported |
Windows | Supported | Supported | Supported | Not Supported |
NOTE: In the case where features are not consistent on browsers across platforms and devices, those features are only supported if the vendor has enabled that feature.
To learn more about our system requirements and why this is important, click here.